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Offshore Company
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Samoa has enacted laws to assist in the prevention of money laundering. Those laws require that background information be obtained in relation to the Company.

We therefore require information on each Principal Beneficial Shareholder/Owner of the Company, meaning any person beneficially owning 10% or more of the shares in the Company.

For each Principal Beneficial Shareholder of the Company we require the following information be sent to Kaizen by airmail or courier before commencement of company registration:

1. A clear certified* copy of the photograph page of their current valid passport, national identity photograph I.D. card or driver’s license that bears a photograph of the Principal Beneficial Shareholder.

2. A clear certified* copy of the residential address proof bearing the full name and full detailed residential address of the beneficial shareholder/owner. Residential address proof includes but not limited to bank statement, utility bill and telephone bill etc.

3. Their date of birth and nationality (if not already disclosed in item 1 above), and a note of their current permanent address and contact details.

4. Where a Principal Beneficial Shareholder’s beneficial interest is held through one or more intermediate holding companies then, in addition to the items above, for each intermediate holding company please provide to Kaizen either:

a. Individuals and Corporations
i. a certified* copy of the certificate of incorporation or business registration certificate; and
ii. the register of members; and
iii. confirmation of the intermediate holding company’s registered office address and principal place of business, and the name and address of the registered agent of the intermediate holding company if applicable;


b. Listed Companies
For listed intermediate holding companies, the name of the listed entity and the name of the relevant approved market or stock exchange**. It is not necessary to provide due diligence on any shareholders of the publicly listed company.

* The certifier must be a Notary Public, lawyer, accountant, director or manager of a bank or trust company, member of the judiciary, doctor or government official. The certifier should sign the copy of the document and print their name clearly underneath and indicate the certifier’s position or capacity on it together with a contact address and telephone number.

** The Samoa Money Laundering Prevention Authority has identified the following as approved listing jurisdictions for this purpose. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Canada, Cayman Islands, China, Chinese Taipei, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, U.S.A. Please advise Kaizen if the holding company is listed on a market or exchange other than one of these.

If any of the information required in respect of a Principal Beneficial Shareholder has been provided in respect of another Samoan entity administered by Kaizen, it is sufficient to provide Kaizen with the name of that other company and the name of the Principal Beneficial Shareholder.

The information received will be held by Kaizen and its associated registered agent in Samoa and subject to the confidentiality laws of Samoa. The information is not filed as part of any public record. We reserve the right to cease provision of all services to the Company where we have not received the required due diligence information within 60 days after the date of incorporation.

Kaizen should be provided with additional background information whenever there is any change of any Principal Beneficial Shareholder.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the information and documents required above.

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 Offshore Company