Frequently Asked Questions on Myanmar Company Incorporation -- Offshore Company -- kaizen
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Frequently Asked Questions on Myanmar Company Incorporation

Are there minimum registered capital requirements for the incorporation of a Myanmar company?
According to the current Myanmar Company Law, there are no minimum registered capital requirements for the incorporation of a Myanmar company.

Are there any limit on the number of shareholders for the incorporation of a Myanmar company?
According to the current Myanmar Company Law, a Myanmar company (private company limited by shares) may have only one shareholder. But it cannot exceed 50 members.  A public company limited by shares may have any number of shareholders.

Is it possible for a body corporate to act as a director of a Myanmar company?
It is no allowed. According to the current Myanmar Company Law, only a nature person (individual) who is at least 18 years old can be appointed as a director of the company.

Is it possible for a shareholder to act as a director of a Myanmar company?
It is accepted if the shareholder is a nature person (individual).

Are there any limit on the number of directors for a Myanmar company?
According to the current Myanmar Company Law, a Myanmar company (private company limited by shares) must appoint at least one director who is ordinarily resident in Myanmar. A person will be considered to be ordinarily resident if he/she holds permanent residency or is resident in Myanmar for at least 183 days in each 12 month period.

Is it compulsory for a Myanmar company to appoint one company secretary?
It is not compulsory. According to the current Myanmar Company Law, a company may appoint one company secretary if necessary.

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