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Regulation on Maternity Leave in Guangzhou

Regulation on Maternity Leave in Guangzhou

  1. Regulations on Implementation of Maternity Insurance for Employees in Guangzhou

    According to Regulations on Implementation of Maternity Insurance for Employees in Guangzhou, female employees shall enjoy maternity leave as below detailed provisions:

    Female employees have 98 days for eutocia for maternity leave; An additional 30 days would be allowed for dystocia (includes caesarean); An additional 15 days would be allowed for attract production, clamp production and breech traction production; For multi-birth, extra 15 days shall be given per additional birth.

    For termination of pregnancy that less than 2 months, 15 days maternity leave shall be given; For termination of pregnancy that more than 2 months but less than 4 months, 30 days maternity leave shall be given; For termination of pregnancy that more than 4 months (includes 4 months) but less than 7 months, 45 days maternity leave shall be given; For stillbirth and premature delivery but the baby does not survive after 7 months of pregnancy, 75 days maternity leave shall be given.

    Female employees performing family planning surgery to remove the iUD shall enjoy 2 days holiday; For placing iUD, 3 days holiday shall be given; For performing tubal ligation shall enjoy 30 days holiday; For performing fallopian tube reoperation shall enjoy 14 days holiday. If female employees execute afore-mentioned two birth control operations at the same time, holidays shall be combined.

  2. Regulations of Guangdong Province on Population and Family Planning

    According to Regulations of Guangdong Province on Population and Family Planning, for couples who have children in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, female employees shall enjoy 80 days reward leave, and male employees shall enjoy 15 days paternity leave.

    Therefore, the Female employees have 178 days in total for eutocia for maternity leave.

  3. Other related regulation

    According to the Law of People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women, employer should not dismiss or cut salaries of female employees due to marriage, pregnancy, maternity leave, breast-feeding. However, this rule is not applicable when female employees submit voluntary resigns.

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